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*Childrens Music Camp
July 16th - 20th
9:00 - noon
at Pine Forest Baptist Church

*Pacesetters Fellowship
Thursday, July 19th, 5:00pm

*Ladies Canton Trip
Sept. 27-29
If you are interested in going, contact Rita Fregia

Monica McGowan needs pictures of church activities (past two years) for our directory which will be published in September.

We need cookies for our benevolence ministry to the funeral home.
Contact Joleen Fregia.

We need donations of non-perishable goods for the Care Center.

Special thanks to the fellowship committee for all their hard work putting together a great anniversary celebration.

Worship, Service & Fellowship Times
*Nursery available during all services for children under 3 years of age*

9:15am Sunday School
*for all ages*
10:15am Worship Service
5:00pm L.I.F.E.
*7th-12th Grade*
6:30pm Worship Service
*Girls and Boys*
*Kindergarten-6th Grade*

*3 years old-Kindergarten*
Bible Study
*for adults*

Mondays, 4:00pm
Quilts will be donated to Buckner's Childrens Home in Beaumont.
Contact Imogene Ernst or Lola Moore if you can help.

*Ladies Bible Study:
Pathway to Success

Tuesdays, 9:00am

*Meals Ministry
Thursdays, 9:00am
in the Gym

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old,
he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Paul Fregia, Pastor       Jeevan Sathyaraj, Music      Jeff Leger, Youth